Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This Stick is Made for Walking

It was bound to happen. Eventually I knew there would be a day I'd want something – like a cane but not a cane – to be a little support when the old knees are particularly creaky. In fact, since I took a header last January and played smash-a-face on the front walk, I'd been looking at eBay and at craft shows for something with a bit of style. My husband beat me to it and found his own stick on eBay – the head/handle is a wonderful carving of a crouching panther with fangs bared. (His knees creak, too.) We left for vacation without me finding one of my own, but figuring that the fine craftspeople of New Hampshire might have something to offer.

The other day we walked into a local cigar shop so I could buy him the traditional vacation truly ugly cigars. They are very dark with one end tapered like a torpedo, and he smokes them outside on the porch. As I stood at the counter to pay for the ugly things, he pointed down to my left…and there it was. A walking stick of many layers of laminated wood, with a gentle twist and shaping to it, and a leather thong for the wrist. The wood was smooth and soft to the touch, and the compass in the top meant there would not be much excuse for getting lost. It was exactly right, and now it's mine!


Mary said...

Yay! I hope it's working for you. There's nothing worse than falling... I still watch where I'm walking (head down) after my fall a few years ago.

Peg Silloway said...

Mary, it's good to hear from you! Yes, I love my beautiful stick. Walking with it does make me feel more secure, even here at home in suburbia. After all, the header I took was off my own front steps!